Friday, April 24, 2009

Jenny's Amazing B-Day Gifts!

So my friend Jenny is pretty much one of the most creativity, quirky, and smart people I know who is 101% amazing at finding the perfect in point can you believe she found this chocolate smooch bar for me? I mean what is the probability of finding such a thing--and its HOT PINK, with my signature lips on it--I heart it!

She also snagged me this amazing "Lolita" martini glass that a recipe for what else but a "flirtini" on the bottom of it--to dye for baby!

So the shout out of all that is "smoochtastic" officially goes out to Jenny this month for purchasing the most prefecto presents of all! You make dreams come true....

Madame K

Frozen Yogurt and Sea Salt-I LIKE!

So this week I made a wonderful discovery upon indulging my frozen yogurt craving one dark and stormy night after yoga class. The revelation is this : sea salt and frozen yogurt are awesome together! Yes I know what you are thinking, this sounds outragous but just trust me and try it, its tangy, sweet, salty and just amazing (especially if you are craving all 3, LOL)! I strolled on over to Mr. Yogoto's frozen yogurt joint on P Street on Tuesday night and discovered this new see I was rather intrigued after receiving my cup of original tangy yogurt with strawberries and fruity pebbles (my favs) at then I looked around to see all of the other random toppings that were on display. I mean everything from cumin to sea salt and paprika, can you believe people are putting all of this stuff on their frozen yogurt? Oh I should also mention here that I did drizzle some honey on my frozen yogurt after adding the sea salt. It mixed beautifully with the sweetness of the strawberries and fruity pebbles and cut into the salt rather nicely.
Needless to say this girl was "one happier camper" and I am looking forward to experimenting more with random toppings on frozen yogurt, perhaps the next time around I will try a little basil and thyme combo with grapefruit, who knows?


Madame K

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Heart Rosie!

So I came across an article this morning in entitle "When There's Trouble in the World, America Turns to Woman." This article talked about the recent election of Hilliary Clinton to Sec. of State, Susan Rice as the Ambassador of the United Nations, and Janet Napolitano, as Sec. of Homeland Security. It highlightened the leadership positions that these woman have recently been elected to. I was intrigued to read more about what it is about woman and how they lead that the US feels comfort in appointing them instead of men (since I thought this was the point of the article), but alas this article didn't answer this question at all. So I thought it was a big tease and then I starting thinking about the impact of woman in leadership positions and how perhaps subconciously we as a people are attracted to electing them in trying times becuase of the connation that woman have with putting care in how they lead. We talk about care and being mindful alot in my graduate school classes as often as the "soft skills" that most woman are more amp to display in a professional environment as its more a societial "norm" for them then for men. So factoring this in I am wondering will men in leadership position? Can something good come out of this whole mess?

I think there does lie alot of opportunity in chaos and that heros are born and found in the most surprising places and in the most inpredictable times for that matter. Just look at Rosie the Riviter, she was the symbol of strength and female solidarity in WW II. I love this picture of the action figure I that I posted up here because I think we need to bring her back, to give us hope and faith that we need as a country rightnow. "We CAN do it!"

Madame K

Monday, April 13, 2009


My sister Cheryl has tapped into her creative talent and has been crafting up these beautiful feather head pieces lately. Regularly priced at $45 for a clip at Urban Outifitters Cheryl thought that this was way too expensive to buy something that she could make for half the price. (For most of us this would be hassle but for Cheryl it was an adventure). So luckly for her living in NYC everything is at her finger tips so she went off shutterbugging around to get the supplies and then back to the workshop to weave up the magic. I love this one that she is wearing, its very 20s throwback and has that peacock feel to it with all of the reflective colors...very ciao bella!


Madame K

Spring Flowers

So the weather outside is still frightful and its April but I must say that the flowers have been making a galliant effort to bring on the spring :) I was wondering about the city and caught some petals that really spoke to me, their colors, shape and sometimes just the way they hit the sunlight just drew me to snap away. I can easily understand how artists, designers, writers etc. can get their inspiration from flowers, just look and see what I am talking about..its a whole world of vibrancy to embrace

The Hot Pink Burst

Purple Passion

Madame K

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Story Behind the Funtini

Greetings and welcome to by blog, "the Funtini of Life", I would love to take credit for this creative name but alas my sister pulled through on this one and gave me the funtini name--thanks Cheryl! This all came about when I was talking to her on the phone at a happy hour and telling her about how I was catching up with some fabulous femme fatales and drinking dirty martinis (my fav). I told her I would send her a picture of the scene and low and behold I send it along and she texted back the most perfect word for this event: "funtini," brilliant! I liked it so much I decided to name my blog after this for I want this space to serve as a creative outlet for me to express thoughts, imagines, quotes, music and overall just moments that inspire and make life FUN!

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."
